Monday, December 22, 2008


2008 was the year to be nice. That was the resolution I set myself at the end of 2007. I think I had done quite well and tried to be friendly and nice to most people. In 2009 I am hoping to be less lazy and make an effort to do things even when it is out of the way. I do have a question though... do I still have to be nice to people in 2009?


SuBoo said...

LOL well you could potentially lump it in with not being lazy...?
I DO remember actually having a conversation with you about being nice at the start of the year - but forgot. ;)

mallymoodle said...

You don't have to continue being nice! Out with the old, in with the new!

Although I'm kinda regretting giving up my 2007 resolution of not drinking so much...