Saturday, March 12, 2011

Am I too impolite

Now that I catch the bus more I notice people say thanks to the bus driver when they get off. I even see people do that on the tram (in the suburbs not the city). What's with that? I say thanks when they wait for me when I have to run for it but never really thought about saying thank you normally when I get off. Don't really get it yet.


mallymoodle said...

I say thank you when getting off the bus in Melbs. I was saying thanks/bye when I got off the bus in Muenchen but not one else does so maybe it's a Melb thing and you've spent too long in London/HK?

Pooey said...

Not sure why you never noticed it before Kahoons but ppl in Melb have been saying thanks to the driver for years.

When I was first living in Syd, I noticed it each time I would return.

SuBoo said...

Yeah dude, my first thought was immediately 'too long in London'

ilingc said...

KH = too rude... tsk.. LOL
wanna know something funny, we use to always say thank you to the bus drivers in London - didn't care if anyone else noticed or if the bus driver cared.