Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Clean up after yourself please

New neighbors on our floor at work started a kitchen roster because they can't clean up after themselves. We have been on the same floor for close to a year now and never had any issue with the kitchen being dirty because when you finish eating, you wash your own stuff, which is a pretty normal thing to do. Well... apparently not!

Our team opted out of the roster but it didn't stop them from putting us in it. We chose to ignore because we told them we want no part of it and this week it was suppose to be our turn. On Monday when I got to the office a whole pile of plastic containers were dumped in the sink. Today we got an email from the roster task master telling us how dirty the kitchen is and how we should be cleaning it up. We politely reminded them that we are not part of the roster and we got an "oh I didn't know response".

You would think that is the end of it but no, our project manager received a complaint from the other team that we are not pulling our weight with keeping the kitchen clean. Seriously, if you finish eating, wash your fricken plates! Your mum or maid is not here to clean up after you!

1 comment:

Pooey said...

Seriously, adults nowadays are pathetic.