Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tired... but why...

Feeling a bit tired recently but not exactly sure why. I can't actually sleep in late no matter what time I go to sleep. On weekends I usually wake up at around 8-9 in the morning then would just feel like crap but can't get back to sleep. I have lost the ability to sleep in until midday. Some people say it is good that you are not wasting your day but it is not like I do anything special when I wake up early. Have been running lately and getting back some form of fitness but still a long way to go. Perhaps I should do more exercise during the week and be more active. Really should play some football but need to find a team. Maybe that way I will have more energy and feel less tired. Who knows? Great idea and concept but need to get off my butt to actually make it happen.

1 comment:

peishapan said...

YAY I am FIRST to comment on this POST!! YAYYYYY
Ka ho - not good that you are tired - get some rest. I hope the girls are still treating you alright at OKR! Or maybe your partying lifestyle is getting to you...??!